So, you guys, I'm sick.
Probably a mixture of being around Mr. Christopher and being around Kristen on Friday. Anyway, whatever it is, its got me feeling yucky. But hey, whats the excuse to be unhappy?
That's right. There's not one. I was told today, to "Beeee happyy (:" and you better believe that's what I'm gonna do. Just because, yanno, I can't exactly breathe through my nose or
BTW. It's 11:11pm.
.. Anywho, it hurts to swallow, but, hey I have reasons to smile, laugh, and be happy. :)
A particular happy song I've been listening to lately is "Stereo Heart" by Adam Levigne ft. Gym Class Heroes. Its such a cute song and is uplifting.. So, just some inspiration to get yo happy face on. :)
Hope everyone has had a great day & and continues to do so!
Tonight is the first real football game of the Yellow Jackets' season!
I'm so pumped, I got my jacket tatto and my black & gold beads on. When it comes 7:30, I'll be cheering for those boys! :)
Its so cool now, that I'm at the High School, its like you have a personal bond with the players, band members, cheerleaders, and majorettes because you walk the halls.. TOGETHER.. No matter which grade you're in. So it feels good going out and supporting them. And not to brag or anything, but the freshmen definitely took over the team this year.
We had the annual 'get pepped' Pep Rally and we are reminded everytime we have assemblies/pep rallies that its all about the seniors and today... Oh boy. There was a dance off. With seniors and the teachers. I'm just gonna say that I cannot absolutely wait til I'm a senior, oh and by then, we will be in the brand new school. :D Not that crappy auditorium.
Anyway, Miss Kristen will be picking me up shortly and we will be headed over to the Phil Reeves Stadium.
Ah! Hey. Anna is back in the blogging world..
I haven't blogged in April and so many things have happened since then!
But now that I'm school again, as a FRESHMAN! Wuddup.
Anyway, it might be a little bit easier to blog regularly so I'm gonna try to blog more!